We are delighted to announce the release of our 2023 PRME Annual Report, marking another year in our journey of pursuing responsible management education and sustainable development.

In the pages of this report, you will find a comprehensive overview of our achievements, initiatives, and impact throughout the past year. We are pleased to share highlights and successes from our Chapters, Working Groups, Champions, and PRME Global Students from around the world, as well as innovative initiatives that are shaping the future of business education. Broken up by our pillars of work: Equipping for Impact, Exchanging Knowledge, and Making Measurable Progress, each section encapsulates our dedication to creating a more sustainable and equitable world through business education.

As we reflect on the challenges and opportunities of 2023, we invite you to join us in celebrating the progress we have made together. From sustainable practices within our institution to impactful collaborations with local and global communities, every achievement represents a step forward in our collective mission.

At this juncture, we must extend our deepest gratitude to the invaluable contributions of our volunteer community. Their tireless dedication, passion, and unwavering commitment have been the driving force behind many of our initiatives and successes throughout the year. Their selfless efforts embody the spirit of collaboration and collective action that defines our organization, and we are profoundly grateful for their ongoing support. Together, we are not just building a better future; we are fostering a community of changemakers dedicated to making a difference in the world.
We encourage you to share this report widely with your colleagues, students, and networks. It is our collective effort that makes PRME a global force for driving sustainable and responsible management education.

We are immensely proud of what we have achieved together in 2023, but we also recognize that there is still much work to be done. As we move forward, we remain committed to innovation, fostering meaningful partnerships, and driving positive change in the world.

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to our shared mission.


PRME Secretariat




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