10th Responsible Management Education Research Conference
Lisbon, Portugal, 26-28 September 2023


Sustainable and Responsible Management:
A decade of Integrating Knowledge and Creating Societal Impact through Innovation and Entrepreneurship


The 10th RMER Conference hosted by Iscte Business School is a forum intended to engage multiple stakeholders in a dialogue around Agenda 2030 and beyond and enhance further collaborations in responsible management education and research, and sustainable business practices to advance the SDGs.

This year marks the 10th Jubilee anniversary of RMER Conferences. Across a decade of achievement, RMER Conferences have explored the complexities and global challenges involved in the transition to more sustainable production and consumption patterns. Different agents, including companies, nonprofits, governmental entities, organizations, consumers, and society at large, need to work together to effectively advance the 2030 Agenda and beyond. Through multidimensional and multidisciplinary dialogue and knowledge sharing among management educators in conversation with other stakeholders have advance responsible management education and learning. As the challenge remains, further dialogue on how economic restructuring and social transformation on the journey to a more sustainable world is still needed.

The main goal of the global 10th RMER Conference is to bring together the responsible management education community and its stakeholders to drive societal impact through innovative and entrepreneurial ways that are grounded in the six PRME principles of purpose, values, method, research, dialogue and partnerships.

To this end, we kindly invite fellow educators and researchers from the PRME community and beyond to submit contributions to the various tracks.



Contributions are expected to be aligned with one of the 15 tracks listed below and explained in detail on the website.

  • 01. Action and Impact-Oriented Research and Innovative Learning Strategies to Enhance Poverty Alleviation through Entrepreneurship and Innovation that Advance Sustainable and Responsible Management
  • 02. Circular Economy to Create Societal Impact – Innovative Teaching Methods and Approaches in Management Education
  • 03. Collective Action for Transformative Movements: Projects, Ecosystems, Civil Society, and Public Policies
  • 04. Emotional Intelligence for Sustainable Development in Management Education
  • 05. Futures Thinking & Entrepreneurial Education – Supercharging Education for Sustainable Development
  • 06. Interdisciplinary Simulations and Role-play for Responsible Management
  • 07. Micro-Credentials for Responsible and Sustainable Management Education – The Next Frontier for the Generating Societal Impact
  • 08. Micro-Foundation of Flourishing of Sustainable and Responsible Management
  • 09. Borderless Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • 10. Positive Impact of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Rural Areas
  • 11. Putting Impact Front and Centre: Creative i5 Pedagogies for Responsible Leadership
  • 12. Social Entrepreneurship: Opportunities, Challenges and Implications
  • 13. Societal Impact of Sustainable Consumption in a Hyperconnected World
  • 14. Towards New Approaches Regarding the Relationship Between Business Education and the Corporate World in the Iberian Context and Beyond
  • 15. General Track


 Contribution submission guidelines

To submit a contribution please follow the link below and complete the form entering a title, the extended abstract (max. 4000 characters incl. spaces), the reference list, and up to six keywords.

For empirical research papers, please include the following in your extended abstract (max. 4000 characters incl. spaces):

  • Research goals and why the work was worth doing
  • Theoretical background
  • Design/Methodology/Approach/Intervention
  • Results obtained or expected (if not available, it must be made clear when they will be)
  • Limitations
  • Conclusions – research and or practical implications/Originality/Value
  • Relevance to the Conference Theme
  • Relevant UN SDGs (up to three)

For conceptual, pedagogy, or case-oriented papers, please include the following in your extended abstract (max. 4000 characters incl. spaces):

  • Background
  • Aims/Purposes/Objectives
  • Method (if applicable)
  • Theoretical advances (for conceptual papers)/Learning outcomes (for pedagogy papers)
  • Next steps/Recommendations
  • Relevance to Conference Theme
  • Relevant UN SDGs (up to three)

Irrespective of the number of submissions, for logistical reasons, each author is limited to two presentations.

Reminder: This is an in-person conference, and it is expected that every accepted submission be presented by an author at the conference in Lisbon.

Please fill in the conference contribution submission form.


Important Dates

02 May Deadline for authors’ submissions

02 June Notification of submission acceptance

30 June Deadline for early-bird registration and author registration

04 September Deadline for regular registration


Please note that we will not be able to consider proposals submitted after the due date.


For more information, please visit the website and contact: RMER2023@iscte-iul.pt.



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